Who We Are

Who We Are?

Pain Relief Network is a professional call center dedicated to providing pain relief management services to the valued patients of medical facilities across the country. We connect existing patients, as well as potential patients, directly to a telemedicine platform and ensure they are routed correctly based on their pain relief management needs.

Medical facilities, doctor’s offices, and hospitals across the country are realizing the immense benefits of having a dedicated telemedicine partner to address urgent pain relief concerns, without placing unnecessary stress on physicians, nurses, and administrative staff. Many times, these patients’ needs can be addressed quickly and efficiently, rather than going up the ladder to an already overburdened medical staff.

Customized Telemedicine Solutions And Pain Relief Support On Demand

With our customized service levels, it is completely up to each client to decide the level of patient engagement that you wish to offer. We can provide HIPAA compliant solutions to offer the level of patient engagement consistent with your reputation as a compassionate healthcare provider.

The healthcare industry is overstressed, especially as the population ages and the growing demand for personalized care and support increases exponentially. Let us offer your medical facility scalable solutions to address the needs of small medical practices, hospitals, and large healthcare networks.

Pain Relief Network Is Better Bigger Stronger

Superior Patient CRM

Offer your patients quality pain relief management, without additional staff burden, by utilizing the quality telemedicine services of Pain Relief Network. In order to uphold your reputation as a compassionate and empathetic healthcare provider, you must let patients know they are valued by offering immediate attention to their healthcare needs. A superior patient experience truly matters as healthcare providers strive to carve a path through the competitive healthcare marketplace. Even missing one phone call can be the difference between a lasting patient relationship and a lost client.

Pain Relief Network can give your medical facility value-add service that enhances the patient experience, and also relieves the burden of your healthcare staff with the priceless value of call center support. When you are committed to providing valuable and compassionate care to your patients, you will also improve your client referrals as existing patients extoll your virtues.

We pride ourselves in providing inclusive pain relief management support, catering to both native English and native Spanish speakers with bilingual support as needed.

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